F8X platform is officially in the 9’s!!! Congrats to running PURE Stg2 turbos!…

F8X platform is officially in the 9’s!!! Congrats to @tpg_tuning @jasontpg running PURE Stg2 turbos! ・・・
Mission Accomplished!
Couldn’t be prouder of our team at TPG. We set out to be the quickest and fastest F8X in the world and we did just that. We were the first F8X in the 10’s and now the first F8X in the 9’s. We also have had a best MPH of 145.02

We made 6 passes today all in the bottom 10’s, 3 of which were 10.0 passes. Thankfully we had just enough and finally eclipsed that 9 second goal.
Our team has had it’s fair share of ups and downs with this platform. We have broken nearly every part on this car in the process. We have been beaten and bruised and never quit. All of the hard work, dedication and perseverance has paid off and we couldn’t be happier.
Thank you so much to our sponsors you all have been so badass.
TPG Tuning
Pure Turbos
Dodson Motorsports
Burger Motorsports
HC Performance – Halim Cazimi
Driveshaft Shop
Evolution of Speed
Fathouse Fabrications
P&R Engine

PS huge thank you to Keystone Raceway Park for prepping the track just as we asked. You guys were awesome. #tpgtuned #tpgtuning #tpgbuilt #pureturbos #dodsonmotorsport #doitforaliving #fuelit #evolutionofspeed #sheptrans #driveshaftshop #burgertuning #hcperformance



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