: hey moose want to test our all new, no core ,b58gen2 pure 900 turbo ? ……………….

@pureturbos : 📞 ⏰ hey moose want to test our all new, no core ,b58gen2 pure 900 turbo ? ……………. So with no hesitation i called up @g20_john for the perfect donor car already sporting our built engine, trans and more. @kagatuned remoted in for tuning @sfldyno to dial in 830whp 882wtq ramping in the boost to maintain traction for @mtechshswmasty while he pilots this RWD g20. 1st hit 60-130 off the dyno 5.4s with some spin and a slow shift, but still takes the record for any b58 hybrid turbo on the planet. We made some xhp changes thanks too @sutphintuning , we also then removed the rear section of the Mtech modular exhaust and slipped on the turn down in a just a few mins. 2nd hit 60-130 5.1s 🔥 Car is still FULL WEIGHT. 4s 60-130 def coming soon on a stock frame turbo 🤯
🚨 Fastest stock frame turbo b58 on the planet 🌎



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