is all set up with a chill and kill map to accompany his new Pure800! Jackie c…

@jackiejding is all set up with a chill and kill map to accompany his new Pure800!

Jackie competes in @gridlifeofficial time attack and @superlapbattle in his #ta90 and wanted a little more boost to get him flying around the track! Can’t wait to see how it does this year with the upgrade!

Swipe for dyno chart! (Green before, Blue Chill Map, Red Kill map) With a Pure 800 turbo, the @amsperformance guys helped gain over 150 whp at redline. On kill, it’s now making 560 whp from 5500 rpm to 7k, whereas before it would be down to 400ish by 6500 on the stock turbo. Map switching works on the fly with normal/sport mode, so Chill map (490whp ONLY) will be Jackie’s warmup/street driving/rain mode. This new tune should give the car a good chunk more straight line speed without compromising the corner exit!

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