March 2024

Showcasing our friend ‘s BMW 535i equipped with our Pure750 for the N55 Platfor…

  Showcasing our friend @inhouseperformance ‘s BMW 535i equipped with our Pure750 for the N55 Platform❗️Not often do you catch these 5 series built like this, thanks for pushing our Pure750 🚀 📈 645WHP / 638TQ ⏱️ 7.09s...

July 2019

Repost from Our Pure Stage 2 High Flow N54 Turbos are putting in some work yan…

Repost from @n54racing Our Pure Stage 2 High Flow N54 Turbos are putting in some work yanking this single turbo n54 on the big end! ・・・ 335i E90 N54 (ST BMW tuned by @cd919 6265 ,stge3...

October 2018

Repost from … if you know, you know | Pure Stage 2 Hi-Flows for N54 | We are…

Repost from ...@mcginitymotorworks if you know, you know 😉 | #pureturbos Pure Stage 2 Hi-Flows for N54 | 👉🏻We are Carmel, IN premier BMW repair and performance facility. Maintenance modification and repair. Shoot us a DM...

August 2018

Repost …from Another beast in the making! We are installing another set of P…

Repost ...from @speedlogicauto Another beast in the making! We are installing another set of Pure Turbos N54 Upgraded Turbos 🐌🐌 _________________ #SpeedLogic #SpeedLogicAuto #PureTurbo #IsYourCarPure #135i #335i #335is #535i #M3 #M4 #M5 #M6 #E82 #E90 #E92 #F10...

July 2018

Repost from…. The hunger for more….Is your car Pure? N55 getting the Pure …

Repost from.... @speedlogicauto The hunger for more....Is your car Pure? 🧐 N55 getting the Pure Stage 2 Turbo & Inlet upgrade thanks to #pureturbos #SpeedLogic #SpeedLogicAuto #Fullerton #OrangeCounty #PureTurbo #IsYourCarPure #135i #335i #335is #535i #M3 #M4 #E82 #E90...

March 2018

Another BMW 535i getting the PS2 installed at …

Another BMW 535i #N54 getting the PS2 installed at @3ramotorwerks #isyourcarpure #purepower #pureturbos #pureftw #3ramotorwerks #e60 #e90 #e92 #e82 #535i #turbo #twinturbo #ps2 #n54 #n55 #tune #motorswap #stage2 #bmwmotorsport #bimmer #fullboltons #mperformance  #bimmerforums #bmwm #bimmerpost ...

February 2018

April 2017

Quickest and fastest M3/M4 !!! Pure turbos, , (the winning combination) Congr…

Quickest and fastest M3/M4 !!! Pure turbos, @_fuel_it_ , @burger_tuning, @protuningfreaks (the winning combination) 👊👊👊Congratulations to @tpg_tuning for their record setting 1/4 mile pass of 10.06" @ 139.mph. The worlds quickest (TPGtuning) and worlds fastest (Fuel-It!) M4's...

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