July 2019

Repost from ・・・ Ok Hands down this is One of the Sketchiest, Fastest 335i’s we …

Repost from @1slow.is ・・・ Ok Hands down this is One of the Sketchiest, Fastest 335i’s we have Built to date, Car is on a very very Mild 20psi @pure_evil_tuning Backend + @pureturbos Pure 600 turbos! Spinning the...

Repost from and ・・・ Simple, yet effective setup! Stage 2 High Flows ・・・ F…

Repost from @jordantuned and @maximumpsi ・・・ Simple, yet effective setup! @pureturbos Stage 2 High Flows @protuningfreaks @maximumpsi ・・・ Finished up a stock motor M4 with our keyed crank hub, ps2's, some exhaust mods, a custom meth setup, and a 93/meth...

took this Gt500 to Gapplebees! He’s running our Pure Stage 2+ S55 Turbos ・・・ My…

@gferro_m3 took this Gt500 to Gapplebees! He’s running our Pure Stage 2+ S55 Turbos ・・・ My @pureturbos F80 M3 Vs @thatguymarin FBO GT500 (re run soon after he gets a fan to keep his iat lower) Strictly...

Repost from Hmmm I wonder what these bad boys are going on ・・・ Take a guess …

Repost from @hydramotorworks Hmmm I wonder what these bad boys are going on 🤔 ・・・ #TurboTuesday! Take a guess on what these upgraded @pureturbos are going on?! #pureturbos #turbo #supercars #carswithoutlimit #mercedes #mclaren #ferrari #porsche #bmw #lamborghini #audi #mystery...

Repost from This Pure Stage 1 B58 upgrade is pulling super hard! Can’t wait to…

Repost from @ericbilt This Pure Stage 1 B58 upgrade is pulling super hard! Can’t wait to get dyno results! 🏎💨💨💨 ・・・ Just felt like going 🤷🏻‍♂️ (ignore the CEL the back end flash needs some coding) Pure stage 1 @...

Repost form Go check out his review on his M2 equipped with our Pure Stage 2 N5…

Repost form @the_speed_addiction Go check out his review on his M2 equipped with our Pure Stage 2 N55 Turbo! https://youtu.be/XuzmDQa2zYA ・・・ I hope you enjoy watching this review as much I enjoyed making it 😁. The link to the video...

Repost from He’s running our Pure Stage 2 S55 turbos ・・・ My F80 M3 Vs 800whp S…

Repost from @gferro_m3 He’s running our Pure Stage 2 S55 turbos ・・・ My @pureturbos F80 M3 Vs 800whp Shelby GT500 🏁 #boostlag #cornfed🌽 #shelbygt500 #bmw #bigboost #thatflametho🔥 #emgbuilt #caryftw #heavypavementaction #pureturbos #beastmode #bmw #turbo #gt500 #ford #sendit #repost...

Repost from ・・・ Making serious power with Pure Turbos Stage 2 S55 turbos, fuel …

Repost from @skr_m3 ・・・ Making serious power with Pure Turbos Stage 2 S55 turbos, fuel it platinum w/ stage 4 fuel pump, ssp spec R clutch and E85 🌽 and @carythelabelguy magic touch. 752whp/665lb/tq #pureturbos #beastmode #turbo #racecar...

Peter just keeps building beast S55’s left and right! ・・・ Another beast born! h…

Peter @pureturbos.eu just keeps building beast S55’s left and right! ・・・ Another beast born! 🚀hcperformance custom flash via bootmod3 🔥pure stage2+ turbos 💥fuel-it port injection and lpfp 👊gintani crank hub fix 👌pauter rods and wiseco pistons @hc.performance @pureturbos @protuningfreaks @gintani @_fuel_it_ #s55 #m3 #m4...