August 2018

โ€˜s F10M5 boosted by Pure Along with Pure X Air Coolers as well …

#ShowAndGo ๐Ÿ˜ @m_ankv_5 โ€˜s F10M5 boosted by Pure ๐Ÿ˜Ž๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป Along with Pure X @csf_radiators Air Coolers as well ๐Ÿ˜ #isyourcarpure #pureboost #pureturbos #purepower #S63tu #bmw #bmwusa #bmwrepost #f10m5 #beastmode Source

Beast Mode Activated . . …

Beast Mode Activated ๐Ÿ’ช๐Ÿป โš™๏ธ @activeautowerke ๐ŸŽ @hsosa86 . . #activeautowerke #pureturbos #miami #aatuned #comeplaywithpower #bmw #instabmw #bmwusa #bmwm3 #m4 #bmwm4 #m3 #s55 #turbo #boost #isyourcarpure #pureboost #purepower #upgradedturbos Source

Repost from…. First off best decision I made going with ! Once it cools down…

Repost from.... @thedjblitz First off best decision I made going with #pureturbos ! Once it cools down a bit and some better tires letโ€™s see if I can push this a bit! @boostlogic @f80paul @protuningfreaks 93 pump...

July 2018

30-100+ real quick with 6MT Mods: – PureTurbos Stage 2 – tune – Fuel System – …

30-100+ real quick with 6MT๐Ÿ‘Œ๐Ÿผ Mods: - PureTurbos Stage 2 - @pure_evil_tuning tune - @_fuel_it_ Fuel System - Owner @timmaayyb #isyourcarpure #pureboost #purepower #n55 #beastmode #upgradedturbos #Stage2 #bmw #bmwrepost #bmw335xi   Source