enjoying the PS2 on their Widebody M4 2 …
@sickntuned enjoying the PS2 on their Widebody M4 💪💪 #purepower #pureturbos #pureftw #isyourcarpure #beastmode #bmw #bmwusa #bmwrepost #s55 #stage 2 #m4widebody Source
@sickntuned enjoying the PS2 on their Widebody M4 💪💪 #purepower #pureturbos #pureftw #isyourcarpure #beastmode #bmw #bmwusa #bmwrepost #s55 #stage 2 #m4widebody Source
@eurochargedcanada F80 M3 back with more power, 💪 Made 746whp & 688wtq Mods: - PureTurbos Stage 2 - FBO - @f80paul X EuroCharged flash tune - @protuningfreaks Fash tool - Race gas and Meth kit #pureturbos #eurocharged #canada #purepower #pureftw #isyourcarpure #s55 #stockmotor...
Congrats to @loco_m2, took the 1st place at @srollmasters roll racing with PS2 💪 #isyourcarpure #pureturbos #purepower #pureftw #bmw #m2 #n55 #beastmode #bmwusa #bmwuae #middeleast #fuelit #burgermotorsports Source
@allmotor_2000 did 60-130mph in 5.7 sec on 25psi only with Pure Stage X, @burger_tuning , @dmetuning 💪 #isyourcarpure...? #pureturbos #purepower #pureftw #lowpsi #s63tu #beastmode #burgermotorsports #dmetuning #bmw #m5 #dct #StageX Source
Congratulations to @alibinhijji did 165.84 mph on 1/2 mile 💪 . Mods: -PureTurbos Stage 1 - @DmeTuning BEF - FBO - @burger_tuning JB4 and Meth kit A 266.90km/h in the 1/2Mile, Means 165.84MPH in the 1/2Mile. #IsYourCarPure...? #purepower #pureftw #f10m5 #m5 #bmwindividual #ccb #dmetuning #dmetuninguae...
Another BMW going to the next power level with PS2 along with @_fuel_it_ fuel system 💪 #IsYourCarPure...? Owner @my235xi #pureturbos #purepower #fuelit #n55 #ps2 #beastmode #pureftw #bmw #bmwusa #n55gang #bmwrepost Source
PureTurbos N54 by @emptuning 💪 Made 618whp & 589wtq New twin disc New port injection Pure Stage 2 (not high flow) Full E85 25-26 psi 151,000 Miles (customer said put low 600 wheel) Enjoy!! #bmw #boss #bimmer #carswithoutlimits #e85 #e92 #euro #european #MHD #n54...
First 60-130 pull on Our Stage X, 22psi no meth - 50% throttle on boost (means throttle is half closed during the run). Oh yeah... and STOCK Airbox 😆 owner @allmotor_2000 @dmetuning @burger_tuning #bmwm5 #bmw #pureturbos #burgertuning...
Beast Mode 😎 501 whp 541lbt on 21 psi on 98 Ron (Pump Gas) Mods: - PureTurbo Stage 2 - @burger_tuning Jb4 - @_fuel_it_ LPFP and - @protuningfreaks BEF (bm3) - @acfperformance Turner and PI - FBO #pureturbos #purepower #pureftw #isyourcarpure #bmwrepost #n55 #ps2...
///MMonday with #libertywalk #M4 Mods: - PureTurbos Stage 2 - FBO - 98 octane - @SicknTuned custom tune Owner @sickntuned @whammoud @jackluv2xlr8 #PureTurbos #purepower #widebody #beastmode #isyourcarpure #s55 #m4 #f82 #bmw #bmwrepost Source