September 2024

S55 F80 at the shop getting our custom 93/98 ron tune on with some stage 2 HF …

S55 F80 at the shop getting our custom 93/98 ron tune on @ecutek_technologies with some @pureturbos stage 2 HF (first gen) turbos! @mustangdynamometer Dyno results -651 WHP / -801 WTQ (93/98 ron tune) This car stock fuel system which...

November 2020

What’s under your hood? has some fire under his hood! Look at those Ti intake…

What’s under your hood? @imm_sl0w has some fire under his hood! Look at those Ti intake pipes and his bright @csf_radiators charge coolers! Tag us in all your engine bay shots in your story/post to get reposted!! #pureturbofamily...

January 2020

Repost from ・・・ One monster M6 Made 802 WHP and 758WTQ on 28-29PSI ( Showing m…

Repost from @soofy619 ・・・ ‼️One monster M6‼️ Made 802 WHP and 758WTQ on 28-29PSI 💪🏻💪🏻 ( Showing my work) - @Pureturbos Stage 2 - @dmetuning Custom BEF - @burger_tuning JB4 and Meth Kit - @sspperformance Clutches - E30 fuel ( 91 Oct mix...

Repost form ・・・ BMW M4 now running pure stage 2+ turbos on pumpgas putting dow…

Repost form @hc.performance ・・・ BMW M4 now running pure stage 2+ turbos on pumpgas putting down 620whp! Custom tuned over #bootmod3 @protuningfreaks @pureturbos #bmw #hcp #bmwm #bmwm6 #bmwm5 #bmwm4 #bmwm3 #bmwm2 #bmwuk #bimmer #m #mpower #mpower_official...

October 2019

M6 with our Pure Stage X makes this camera car look like it’s standing still! ・…

@hpt_horsepowertechnics M6 with our Pure Stage X makes this camera car look like it’s standing still! ・・・ When you drive a 500+hp car and are being overtaken like nothing with wheelspin to 200+kmh 🙈 HPT BMW M6 1000+...

Repost They’re running our Pure Stage X kit for the S63 on their M6! This car…

Repost @hpt_horsepowertechnics They’re running our Pure Stage X kit for the S63 on their M6! This car just keeps pulling! 🏎💨💨 ・・・ HPT BMW M6 1000+ HP @scc500 setting a new record with 305.76km/h. Worlds fastest BMW M6...

Repost from They put down some awesome numbers on 94-95oct pump gas. 655whp a…

Repost from @hc.performance They put down some awesome numbers on 94-95oct pump gas. 655whp and 853wnm! 🏎💨🤘 ・・・ BMW M4 on PS2+ turbos and 100RON (93-94OCT) octane running our newly developed custom hybrid turbo map! Custom tuned over...

January 2019

Beautiful getting the right treatment at & SSP Clutches and more other parts …

Beautiful #F06M6 getting the right treatment at @tdtampa #PS2 & SSP Clutches and more other parts 👌🏼 #isyourcarpure #purepower #pureboost #tuningdynamics #bmwspecialist #mperfomance #pureturbos #sspperformance #m6grancoupe #bmwm6 #tampabimmer #bimmerfest #bmwturbo #twinturbo #s63 #burgermotorsports #bimmerlife #tunedbytd #floridabimmer #fixxfest...

April 2018

Such a beautiful build with Pureturbos X M5/M6 charge coolers ——————————————— …

Such a beautiful build with Pureturbos X @csf_radiators M5/M6 charge coolers #M5touring ——————————————— 🏎💨 @m5_touring 👌 #isyourcarpure #CSFrace #CSFcooling #pureturbos #m6 #engineporn #euroklasse #speedhunters #joyofmachine #motoiq #bmwunleashed #bmwmnation #bmwm5 #bmwm6 #CSFradiators #COOListheNewHOT Source

March 2018

///MMonday with X Pureturbos M5/M6 charge coolers in fire engine red with hamme…

///MMonday with @csf_radiators X Pureturbos M5/M6 charge coolers in fire engine red with hammer texture clear coat on the #CSFm5 ——————————————— #isyourcarpure #CSFrace #CSFcooling #pureturbos #f10m5 #m6 #engineporn #euroklasse #speedhunters #joyofmachine #motoiq #bmwunleashed #bmwmnation #bmwm5 #bmwm6 #CSFradiators...

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