September 2020

It’s that time of year again and it’s the post you’ve all been waiting for! Get…

It’s that time of year again and it’s the post you’ve all been waiting for! Get your boost by Pure at the best price available! Starting November 27th and running until December 4th! 15% off our whole...

Straight to right off the dyno! Name a better way to break in your Pure Turbo…

Straight to @vmax200 right off the dyno! Name a better way to break in your Pure Turbo build, we’ll wait 😆 @ajs.performance @acid_msl @mslperformance @c63_amg_driver #pureturbofamily #Mercedes #AMG #c63 #pureturbos #pure900 #MercedesBenz #c63amg #c63s #turnitup #AMGGang #amggang #bigturbo...

giving chase in his m235ir race car powered by our Pure N55 stage 2! has you…

@rmpmotors giving chase in his m235ir race car powered by our Pure N55 stage 2! @rmpmotors has you covered from street cars to race cars! #pureturbofamily #m235ir #m235i #335i #135i #caged #e85 #lifesbetteronE #PureTurbos #Fast #N55Turbos #Quick...

McLaren Monday! This is one of passes in the 570s with tuning earlier this w…

McLaren Monday! This is one of @danielstern328 passes in the @pureturbos 570s with @eurochargedcanada tuning earlier this week 🚀 His quickest of the day was 9.79 at 153 #ecc #eurochargedcanada #mclaren #570s #quartermile #r888r #needsastickytire #eurocharged #quartermile #mclaren600lt #mclarentalk...

This is going to be a fun one! What do you guys think made on the dyno? Hin…

This is going to be a fun one! What do you guys think @mannyv____ made on the dyno? Hint: MS109 fuel and sub 30psi boost... The guys @ssrperformance & @m_engineering_llc have her turned up and running amazing! #ssrperformance...

Pure800 M340i vs Porche 911 Turbo S! …

Pure800 M340i vs Porche 911 Turbo S! @the_357 #pureturbos #singleturbo #b58 #m240i #240 #2series #m340i #340 #140 #b58gang #thenewjz #notanm #f80paul #ethanol #jordantuned #e85 #performancebmw #pure800 #europower #getagrip #turbolife #getoutanddrive #stayboosted #europower #hybridturbo #stayboosted #oceanside #pureturbofamily Source

is at it again! 10.33, not bad! Keep going let’s see a 9 …

@1stockf20 is at it again! 10.33, not bad! Keep going let’s see a 9 😀 @pureturbos @protuningfreaks @hc.performance @dorch_engineering #pureturbos #singleturbo #b58 #m240i #240 #2series #340i #340 #140 #b58gang #thenewjz #notanm #f80paul #ethanol #worldmotorsports #dynospectrum #e60...

getting ready to put together a solid f80 m3 build! -two piece crank hub – sta…

@tyspeed getting ready to put together a solid f80 m3 build! -two piece crank hub -@pureturbos stage 2+ -@csf_radiators charge air cooler and radiator -@burger_tuning catch can and high capacity DCT pan Tag us in your post so we all can...

X4m getting down! Can’t wait to see this thing turned all the way up! …

X4m getting down! Can’t wait to see this thing turned all the way up! #pureturbosfamily #pureturbos #bmwperformance #mpower #s58 #m3 #m4 #x4m #performancebmw #pure800 #f80paul #getagrip #getoutanddrive #stayboosted #pureturbos #pure900 #csf #csfradiators #ecstuning #fcpeuro #ssrperformance #neverlift #performancebmw #roundel #speedventures #superstreet #tx2k #amsperformance #beastmode #supercars Source

900whp on e18 in a wagon! Think about a cross country road trip in this thing! …

900whp on e18 in a wagon! Think about a cross country road trip in this thing! Take everyone with you and gap everyone that doesn’t let you pass! What do you guys think? #pureturbosfamily & @pureturbos #pureturbos #pureupgrades #BauhausOfPower #eurocharged...