Limited 1-Year Warranty Statement

All OEM remanufactured turbochargers and turbocharger cartridge assemblies supplied by PURE TURBOS are warranted to be free from defects in workmanship and materials. Such warranty shall be honored for a period of twelve (12) months from the date of end-user purchase, without regard for mileage used.

Warranty liability is limited to the repair or replacement, at PURE TURBO’S exclusive option, of the unit in question. Warranty will not be honored in case of damage or malfunction due to improper installation procedure, misuse, neglect, unauthorized disassembly or alteration, or externally induced physical damage. No warranty is made for any claims for special, indirect, or consequential damages (including, but not limited to, unit removal or installation, equipment down-time, prospective profits or other economic loss) due to any defect deemed otherwise warrantable by PURE TURBOS.

Any claim made under this limited warranty must be presented to PURE TURBOS within thirty (30) days from the date on which the claim arises, along with valid proof of end-user purchase date. Warranty claims must be routed through the dealer from which the unit was purchased. All units returned to PURE TURBOS for warranty consideration must be shipped freight prepaid. Collect shipments will not be accepted.

This limited warranty statement represents the complete warranty offered by PURE TURBOS on its remanufactured products, expressly in lieu of any other warranties, including any of merchantability, or suitability for a particular purpose. No individual is authorized to bind PURE TURBOS to any warranty not expressly set forth herein.

In addition to the above warranty statement, any performance or non-OEM turbo units, parts, and accessories purchased through PURE TURBOS are limited to the warranty, if any, of the manufacturer. No returns are accepted for any unit, part, or accessory after the item has been installed, used, or if the item has been modified in any way. Any returned unused items, upon approval by PURE TURBOS, are subject to a 15% re-stocking fee. NOTE: All performance and non-OEM units, parts, and accessories are meant for off-road use and are not to be used for any street or commercial application by any means. California state law prohibits the installation of any performance or non-OEM part on a vehicle intended for street and/or highway use.

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