was back out in their a90 getting some testing in before they start prepping fo…
@artofattack was back out in their a90 getting some testing in before they start prepping for @globaltimeattack
They have some new Aero coming and then turning up the power on their PURE800, can’t wait to see what it runs!
#ToyotaSupra #Supra #Supramk5 #2020Supra #SupraA90 #A90 #A90Supra #SupraMkV #supralife #gapplebees #dragtimes #700hpclub #pureturbos #a90drag #singleturbo #b58 #b58gang #thenewjz #pure800 #pure700 #pure850 #purestage2 #lifesbetterboosted #purepower #purepowered #trackhawkkiller
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